Monday, April 27, 2009

today was not the day....

I called the Dr's office at 8:15 and was told to come the office I was put up the a monitor that measured R's HB and my contractions. And yes the contractions were about every 7 to 9 min...some time every 5 min. After 1/2 hrs I had dilated from a 2 to a 3 so the Dr. C (sub for Dr L who had surgeries today) sent me the hospital. At the hospital Dr. L came in to check me...she agreed that I had was dilated and contracted but she was concerned that my cervix was still pretty "thick" and R was still at a -3.... I was feeling the contractions more (pain about 5-6)but as a contraction stopped I felt no pain. Dr L wanted to monitor me for a couple more hours and made plans to check me after her last surgery of the day. Two hr's later she came in and checked me again...still the same..cervix had not thinned that point she gave the option of staying and giving me pitosin to induce or sending me home. N and I had discussed the possibility earlier and decided that we both want R to come when he is ready and it looked like today he was not. Dr. L std she agreed w/our choice.

So we are back at home contractions have slowed down..but as Dr. L said things could change tonight or tomorrow. I know we made the right choice..but wish today had been the day.

N was wonderful at the hospital. She took such good care of me by making sure I was comfortable and taking care of myself. She helped through the uncomfortable contractions by timing them and reminding me to concentrate on my breathing. While at the hospital N's sister T came to give moral support. It was an eventful day..we shall see what up next.

39 wk 1 day..could this be it?

Okay I was cramping all last night. The cramps (contractions?) I felt everytime I work up last night which seemed like every 1 hr to 1hr 1/2. I didnt get a good nights sleep..but that besides the point. These cramps feel worse when Im either sitting or laying i'm trying to keep moving. On a scale of 1 to 10 the worst pain I've had has been about a 4 maybe a 5 (so not bad at all just uncomfortable) but I'm definitly getting some consistent cramping (front only) every 10 or 12 sometimes they come sooner. I'm not spotting nor do I have any discharge...i'm assuming that could be a good a thing. I'm going to call my Dr's office at 8:00.

Today would be an interesting day to have a baby. The weather forcast is no very good at all. This morning at 4:00 am, I awoke b/c i heard the power in the house go off. We have had severe thunderstorms w/lighting. I woke N and she got up to find the flashlight and weather radio. We didn't hear any warning of any tornados but stayed up a a while so see anything happened. We fell back asleep about 4:45 and the power came back on at 5:30. I turned the news on and learned the about 8 miles north of our home... a believed tornado went through the Jonah community at about 4:30 one was hurt (thank god) but trees and homes were damaged.

We anticipate more bad weather for the rest of today into this evening.

I wanted to post this before the electricity goes out again. We have lost power twice since 6:00 am.

Friday, April 24, 2009

38 wks 5 days

Had 38 week appt yesterday. Weight same, blood pressure good, no glucose/protein concerns..Roman's HB was 150.

I'm dilated 1 1/2 cm, still 50% effacced and -2.
My belly's is getting lower..and I'm tired. And Romans moving like he's going to pop out at any time. :-)

Norm has been washing clothes,organizing his room and getting the outside and inside of our home ready for Roman's homecoming. She is definitely "nesting" for me.

We are keeping our fingers crossed that Roman keeps cooking this weekend b/c Dr L is doing the Hill Country Aids ride this weekend and will not be available if i go into labor. Having her there is so important us. She has been there for us from the very beginning.

Tonight we stayed in just the three of us, N, R, and me. It has been so nice to be here at home just enjoying being together...I can't believe in a little more than one week Roman will really be here.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

37 wk ob appt

We had our 37 wk appt on Thurseday and finally got a 4d sono of Roman. I'm gonna try to see if I can post a pic of him.
At this point he is measuring right on track and they are estimating he is about 7 lbs 3 ounces. I was still 1 cm dilated/50% effaced/ it possible that I could make it to term and if that happens he could be between 8 to 9 lbs. (yippee) Norms thinks Im crazy to want... Just as long has he is healthy.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

37 1/2 weeks and counting

Above of pics of Norma playing with the huge baby pacifier balloon from the shower and me at 37 1/2 weeks. :-)

We are still here waiting for Roman. Baby clothes have been washed, Norm's ordered new glasses to have while at the hospital, Roman's bag is packed and I am just about through packing my bag.

Norm'a mom and her aunt came for a visit last week, and will stay with us for another week. It's been nice having them here. I know it means a lot to Norm for her mom to be here especially since Wella's passing. I visited w/my nephews for Easter on Saturday..they are getting so big...I'm going to try to get a recent pic of them so that I can post it on the blog. They are so excited about the baby..they have asked if they can come over to help after Roman comes home from the hospital. I of course told them yes.

I'm really starting to feel tired. I'm getting the braxton hicks contractions more often, feeling a lot more pressure in the lower vajaja area, and I'm swollen like a big tomato.

I had my 2nd baby shower at work on 04-07-09, it was lovely. My co-workers are so sweet and thoughtful. We got so many clothes, blankets, shoes, gift cards and even a hand made wooden child size rocker w/Roman's name on's adorable.

We tried for 3d sono number three and again had no luck...i think we have given up hope that of getting a 3d pic of him. I think we can wait another 18 days to find out. Here are the baby stats

04-09-09 O/B appt.
HB 142
Weight +3 ouch
Pressure# 122/78
Feet super swollen and the Heartburn is back...yuk!!!
1 cm dilated, 50% effaced, -3

Romans is moving a storm and feels so big in there..We have another appt. tomorrow w/a sono.

Below are some pictures of the sweet baby gifts we've gotten from our showers.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

35 weeks and counting down

The last five weeks have been very eventful.
Recap...Roman's is going right on track...his movements are so much more defined and at time uncomfortable. Gone are the days of flutter and now i have large sensations of twist and turns. The movements feel so amazes me that the baby books says he weighs about 4/12 lbs right now..when it feels so much bigger. The last two ob visit registered his HB at 160 (32 week visit) and HB 142 at the (34 week visit). My blood pressure and protein check all looked great.

I've been sick w/allergies and a cough the last 4 weeks. Norm has about had it with my runny nose and the "honking" sounds I make when I blow...I finally went to the doctor yesterday and was diagnosed w/a sinus infection. So I'm on antibotic and taking a cough suppressant. I stayed home from wrk today b/c i was feeling so sick and achy..but I will be back tomoorrow. My goal it to work up until it's I'm praying everthing wrks out that way.

Norm and I decided to have a 4d sono done of Roman...well after two tries so far we have had not luck to get a good look at our little guy...both times he has been facing my spine w/his head down. On the bright side, we've been told that this is th best position for a baby to be in...but it doesn't make for good pics. So far the only good pic we have of him is of his "package"...that we can see as clear as day. :-). I going in for a 3rd try on 04-09-09 at my 36 wk appt..plesae wish us luck.

We suffered a huge loss in our family. Norm's 83 yr old grandmother, Wella, died Sunday March 22. She had been ill so the family was preparing but really nothing prepares you for lossing someone you love so much. Norm lost her father at age 4 and her grandfather while she was still pretty all her life she was raised by her mom and Wells. The family is going to miss Wella so much. She was the strong, firm, loving woman who welcomed and loved everyone that came into the family. Before she got ill she loved to relax a local cantina and have beer and grito. When Norma was young she would go w/Wella to the cantina and drink coke and eat chips while Wella visited w/friends for a bit. They never stayed long and we always home well before it got dark. This is a memory Norma cherishes b/c this was their time together. We love you Wella.

We had a baby shower this past Sat, March was so nice. We had considered postponing the shower due to Wella's passing but Norm did not want to reschedule. So after a long busy week..we had out baby shower. I'm hoping to post some pics if we can get a copy. We had about 30 plus people come over for games, food, margaritas, and fun. Norm sister, Dianne and family friend, Gloria did an amazing job of planning and preparing the food, and decorations for the event. We are so luck to have them in our lives. Roman is going to have some pretty amazing "Tia's"....It was a collaborative effort from all our family. Thank you guys for everything..we love more than words can say.