Thursday, June 26, 2008

Results IUI #2

Peed on a Stick this morning and it was negative.I really hoped the result would be different. I had some symptoms this month that I thought could be signs. Spotted on Sunday. Sore breasts (not nipples), cramping, slight nausea. Last night and this morning I'm seeing pink when I wipe..I am assuming that my period is right around the corner. My luteal phase temps were higher this month, they remained above 98 degrees for the entire 13 day period. This morning my temp fell to 97.8. When I count out the days when I expect my period to begin, my CD13/14/15 could fall on weekend so I am worried about additional costs if we try IUI for July. ..

Norm is concerned that we will be "wasting money" she feels that we should have the HSG test before we go any further. What do you think?

I'm in a dilemma I have 7 more sessions of acupuncture, (my last week is the 2nd week of AUG) so i feel this may be the last month of my best chance of trying to conceive.

I'm going to talk to my acupuncturist to see what they suggest as well.

I'm stuck at fork in the road and not sure what path to take......not to mention I turn 39 in a 1 1/2 weeks... :-(

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