Thursday, June 5, 2008

It was a Trial Run....

At least that's what I'm trying to tell myself...BFN.. Yup that what it was...I didn't even have to period came on the 14th day, Friday 053008. (damn Tia Flo) It was so painful...I spent the whole weekend couped up inside. N and I decided to keep going so here we are June'08 preparing for another IUI. This time I'm on a five day RX of 50 mg Clomid. Side effects: Bloated, slight headache from time to time, and feeling a little blue. But it's weird I'm not all emotional (ball of tears) i just at time feel indifferent ...(is this a bad sign?).
We will be placing our 2nd order or frozen swimmers...praying we have a good cycle.
I cancelled my acupuncture appt for today..and I'm feeling guilty...I did it b/c i want to "save" the visit for later. I paid for 6months of acupuncture..and my 6th month expires in July. I'm freaking out that I'm not going to get pregnant before my acu time runs out..Cant go down that path...need to stay positive. ....that's right stay positive...

The weekend wasn't a total wash...spent weekend re-watching the 6 seasons of Sex in the City....wanna get them all watched before I see the Movie.
So I'm planning on finishing season five and six this weekend. Yippee!

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