Tuesday, June 17, 2008

IUI #2

Had sonogram #2 on the CD13 (06-11-08). Sonogram tech. found two follies, one 22 mm and one 14 1/2 mm. (So the Clomid helped!) The nurse called my Dr. to let her know and it was decided that we would do IUI #2 on CD14. I was little nervous because I've never ovulated that early. Spoke w/Dr. L. who said everything would be fine. So I got my HCG shot. And went home. That afternoon/night and next morning I felt no discomfort like the month before. Dr. L said that was fine.

N and I decided to inseminate only once this month. I beginning to wonder if maybe that was a mistake...On CD 14 I went in for the IUI and left feeling okay. On CD 15 I felt miserable all day. I am almost sure I ovulated on CD 15, (i had aches on both sides of my ovaries and was sore all day) It was so tough. I'm thinking that the discomfort was worse because of the CLOMID. Dr. L said that frozen swimmers can live anywhere between 24 to 72 hours post IUI.. I hope they made it....looking back I think it would have been a good idea if we had opted for a 2nd insemination. Again I was trying to "budget" for next time. I wish the "how are we going to pay for this" didn't weigh on my mind so much. But it does....On a brighter note....our specimen motility was 40 million. Woohoo!

I've been taking progesterone since the IUI and my BBT's have increased. A good thing. I'm trying not to obsess so much about early preg signs....because I know that they could be side effects of the progesterone.
We'll see what happens.

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