Thursday, July 24, 2008

Am I out?

Took July get my FSH retested (it was a 8) ((like that means anything)) and to have an HSG test done....(ALL CLEAR) GOD did that *itch hurt!!! :-( at the beginning of the month I thought that sitting July out would be a good idea. But now I'm worried maybe I wasted the time....and the best part I turned 39....Ugh!!!!!!! I've been reading blogs and I've read how so many have done the HSG, Acupunture, Prenatals, ETC and it made no this me.?......why do so many have to get so hurt? I HATE THIS!!!!!

Now i'm waiting for my TIA to come for visit. I hope she comes in the next couple of days...

I bummed..I'm so scared to try again...i keep thinking "You're's too're too fat..." I'd love to hear from someone whose been where I am and made it. I can't seem to find many that have made it and were what I am...Oh yes...."ADVANCED MATERNAL AGE"....

My heart is sad for those tonight whose hopes for a BFP didn't happen this month...You guys are sweet..and's gonna happen to you....

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