Sunday, September 28, 2008

9 wks

We are doing well. I had my first prenatal appt on 09-18-08. The litte one was measuring (is that right word) at about 7 wks 5 days. Dr L said that was very good and we got to hear the heart beat which was 158 beats per minute. Dr. L said that was excellent. I'm still having weekly acupuncture appts that I think has been helping me so much. I have had hard any morning sickness, and my fall allergies have been much much more bearable....I do feel bad for Norm. She has been getting pretty queasy on and off throughout the day. I've heard that the partners of a pregnant women can get PG symptoms but I never really believed that...I'm a believer now.
So far I've had sore boobs, lots of gas, and lots of feeling of bloated/fullness in my lower abdomen. And my clothes are starting to fit a little more snug.

Norm and I may have to pick a new OB dr. Dr. L is moving from the N. Austin office to the S. Austin office effective 11-01-08. She has told me that she'd love to keep seeing me. Norm and I love her so much. She's been such a huge part of me getting where I am today. My only concern is we leave in Hutto which is about 15 miles outside of N Austin. If I keep seeing Dr. Lockey it would take my about 50 minutes (w/out traffic) to get the S. Austin hospital she delivers at. I'm not sure if that's too far. Dr. L recommended a colleague of her's that I should see if i choose to keep in OB in the North side of town. She said he's very gay friendly, really down to earth, and well qualified (in fact he is the chief OB at the hospital he delivers at). Norm and I have three weeks to let her know...wish me luck...I'm trying not to stress about this but its really hard.

My next appt is 10-16-08. I am sending positive thoughts to everyone out there who is thinking of/ in the process of TTC's. Miracles do happen and will happen to you!


R said...

So excited for you ladies!! Love reading what all is going on. How are you feeling anyway?

Pufferfish said...

Your blog has been super quiet. I hope everything is OK and you are just busy with being pregnant.