I can't believe how fast time flies. I'm still pregnant and today I'm 26 weeks.
WOW!!!!! So far things are going okay. I've been told by Dr. L that my pregnancy so far has progressed really well. Next week I go in for my glucose screening and I'm hoping that everything will be okay. I have not had a lot of weird cravings. I think the weirdest thing I've eaten was spaghetti w/kosher pickles (which is delicious) and I'm eating a lot more cereal..in fact i have to mix my raisin bran/w rice crispies and Cheerios...it tastes great that way. As far as the weight gain..Ive gained 11 pounds far. At first you could tell i was pregnant but w/in the last weeks i think I'm starting to round out some. I hope to take some pics of belly in the next couple of day. Norm wants me to this so that we can have those pregnancy mementos. Physically the hardest thing is sleeping at night and getting out of bed in the morning. But once I'm up I'm ready to go.. :-)
Quick recap of some important events that have happened up to this point.
I told my parents we were pregnant in Oct. They were shocked and not happy. My mom especially. She told me she couldn't understand why I would make such a "selfish" decision. My mom and dad do not accept that I'm gay. My mom cites her nonacceptance of Norm and I's relationship on her religious (Catholic) beliefs that loving another person of the same sex is a "sin". So my parent's reaction was not a surprise..it of course still hurt. Gradually they are dealing with the fact that I'm pregnant and will be a mom. In early Nov things really blew up and I had the worst argument I've ever had w/my mom. It was first time I've ever told my mom that I am just as ashamed of her and her actions. I even told her that if she was not my mom, i would have nothing to do w/her also. I think it hurt her to have her hear those words from me. I always been the one my parents turn to when they need any kind of help w/family problems w/my brother and his kids. (that's a really long story..and someday i hope to be able to put those experiences in this blog). Any how we didn't speak for a few weeks and I almost didn't visit them for Thanksgiving..but I did visit them b/c my nephews \let me know they really wanted me there. In December a incident occurred between my parents and my brother. And my parents reached out to me in that moment. During that tough time my mom was calling me two to three times a day...and in a conversation I had w/her, my mom let me know that she was sorry for accusing me of being selfish. And told me that she knew in her heart that I and NORMA will make wonderful parents of our baby. I feel like this is a first step in moving forward. I pray everyday that in time, my parents will begin to accept Norm and I. I am however at peace w/myself. I am thrilled and grateful that God has given Norm and I this chance to be mommies. And we are planning on giving our baby all the love and support that he could ever need.
okay now lets talk about some positive news....
Well we've found out that it's a "boy"!!!! At first I was shocked/nervous and Norm's reaction was over the moon... Now I'm just as excited as she. When I first found out I was pregnant I imagined myself having a girl (doing her hair, dressing her in dresses) I even had dreams that I had a girl. Two of my closest friends told me they felt it was a girl. So was caught off guard when we were told it was a boy. We have decided on his first name "Roman"..and are still working on a middle name. I wanted to give him a name that represented Norms involvement. She didn't like Norman so we thought of scrambling the letter in her name and came up w/roman. She love it!!! I also considered Ian...which is the first initial of our name w/the a for "and"..Irene and Norma's baby..(Ian). I'd like for a middle name but we still have not decided.
All the test we've had so far indicate that Roman is healthy and growing right on schedule. We did, however, opt out of the amniocentesis...i was worried about miscarriage risks and we both decided that even if we are told that Roman is a Downs baby...we are still keeping him and loving him all the way.
We told other family members and they are all very excited and looking forward to meeting Roman...I wasn't expecting a baby shower...but i looks like I'll be having two..one at my office and another w/my friends and family.
Today we painted Romans room (w/Eco safe paint) and purchased his crib and changing table from babies r us...things are gradually coming to order.
Well I'll close for now...b/c Norms calling that she's hungry..
Above is pic of the baby bedding we chose for Roman's room. :-)
1 comment:
So glad to know that things are going so well! Was wondering how you ladies were doing. Glad that it's going well! The new furniture rocks!! he's one lucky little baby coming :) Congrats on things going so well!
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