So much has happened since month one.
June 26th- I woke up in the middle of the night in extreme pain...I thought I was having a heart attack. I woke up N who drove me to the hospital. I was hospitalized w/a gall stone and pancreatitis. I spent four days in the hospital and had my gall bladder removed. Dr gave my instructions not to pick up baby for the first week after surgery. So Momo (N's mom) came back to help us. It was so wonderful, Roman recognizes her voice and know she's his grandma. Momo stayed w/us two weeks after sugery went home for a week and 1/2 and them came back and stayed w/us til 073109. We miss her.
I celebrated my bday. I turned 40. N celebrated her bday. She turned 42.
Our bday's were pretty low key..we went to dinner. We decided not to buy each other gifts..Roman was the best day gift ever. I cheated though, she has been wanting a pair of Ray.ban aviator glasses..I finally got her a pair. (She looks "HOT" by the way).
Roman had his two month checkup and got his vaccinations. He developed a low grade fever and cried from the soreness in his legs. Poor baby...I cried just as much. I am so nervous about the next check up.
2 month check and shots: July 8, 2009
I like grape tylenol!
I like my bandaids
Roman had his first road trip..we went to Mama Ns hometown- Port Lavaca, Tx. He visited Momo and went to the beach. Roman didn't like being the carseat and had a breakdown or two on the way there and back. But he loved the water..(will post pics below)
First trip to the beach- July 18,2009
"I like the water!"
His head control is super duper and he is starting to laugh out loud and smiles all the time. His smile makes me melt. He has started drooling.. a lot. We have to keep a burpcloth or bib close to him b/c he dribbles on himself and all over us.
As of now he is up to 14 lbs 4 ounces and is ranging in the 75th percentile. (which is great). He was fussy and had a low grade fever Sunday and Monday of this week. I noticed that he wasn't himself. He was crying a lot and appeared to pulling on his left ear. Monday I decided to take him to his pediatrician. Ears looked fine..but Dr. noticed that his lower gums were very red..She thinks he is an early teether. OMG! She suggested that we get him the "raspberry" teether. It looks painful but she says it will help him. N also bought him the teeters you freeze. R likes those but his poor fingers get so cold...If we give him a frozen teether we hold it for him so his fingers stay warm.
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