Monday, April 27, 2009

39 wk 1 day..could this be it?

Okay I was cramping all last night. The cramps (contractions?) I felt everytime I work up last night which seemed like every 1 hr to 1hr 1/2. I didnt get a good nights sleep..but that besides the point. These cramps feel worse when Im either sitting or laying i'm trying to keep moving. On a scale of 1 to 10 the worst pain I've had has been about a 4 maybe a 5 (so not bad at all just uncomfortable) but I'm definitly getting some consistent cramping (front only) every 10 or 12 sometimes they come sooner. I'm not spotting nor do I have any discharge...i'm assuming that could be a good a thing. I'm going to call my Dr's office at 8:00.

Today would be an interesting day to have a baby. The weather forcast is no very good at all. This morning at 4:00 am, I awoke b/c i heard the power in the house go off. We have had severe thunderstorms w/lighting. I woke N and she got up to find the flashlight and weather radio. We didn't hear any warning of any tornados but stayed up a a while so see anything happened. We fell back asleep about 4:45 and the power came back on at 5:30. I turned the news on and learned the about 8 miles north of our home... a believed tornado went through the Jonah community at about 4:30 one was hurt (thank god) but trees and homes were damaged.

We anticipate more bad weather for the rest of today into this evening.

I wanted to post this before the electricity goes out again. We have lost power twice since 6:00 am.

1 comment:

Melissa "Baby House" said...

That's sounding pretty good! Keep moving and good luck!!! I can't wait to hear that the baby is here!