I POAS on my equate stick this am and saw a VERY faint line. So Norm and I went to the store and purchased the Clearblue Easy Digital test. I came home went straight to the bathroom. I read the instuction real quick and grabbed my cup. I counted 20 seconds on my watch set the stick down and began finishing up when I looked done and saw the result "Pregnant"...it didn't even take the full 3 minutes..I started YELLING for N to come to the room. When she came in I told her, "LOOK...I just barely laid the stick down...LOOK what is says!!" She looked and her eyes got so big...she then went to tell our kitty kids that the result said pregnant.
I'm a little in shock...my mind is racing a mile a minute...is this for reall..but I didn't have implantation spotting..is this a bad sign? I'm going to email Dr L and call her office tomorrow to get appt for bloodwork..I'm keeping positive that everything will be fine.
Thank you so much for the well wishes and postive thoughts...it means so much! :-)!
WOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! WOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! No need for any other words.
CONGRATS ladies!
What wonderful news!
We go for try #5 tomorrow morning...I'm sneaking some your postiveness to take with us. :o)
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