Roman started walking two weeks after his first birthday. I wish I had pictures of his first steps but I erased all his first birthday pictures, first haircut photos and first step pictures at my neices graduation on accident. Talk about drama for my mama. I cried all day. The thought brings a lump to my throat. I am glad that I was able to print a few pictures of Roman's birthday and first haircut. I placed them in a red photo album with his initial "R" on the front. I love that photo album of memories.
Roman's birthday party was very fun. We invited family and friends. Had a Toro pinata (Roman is Taurus) and a matching Toro birthday cake (Aunt Tina's present for Roman). And a pony. Roman rode on the pony about 6 times and smiled. My little cowboy.
Here a few pics taken before first bday and after

This picture was taken three weeks before his first birthday. The picture was in his Birthday invitation.
I had this picture of Roman's Toro pinata
Roman and Mama Norm vaccuming before Aunt Tina's 50th bday Party at our home. (he is 13 months in this pic.)
Outside today helping Momo Rodriguez w/her plants. He is also sporting a shorter summer cut that his Momo Saldana did for him this past weekend. My big boy is 14 months.