Well, labor began Saturday afternoon about 4:00 pm. Norm and I stayed close to home the whole day..with the exception of getting some dinner and then heading to Diane's to see the Hatton/Pacquio fight..still can't believed that Hatton went down in the 2nd round..but i digress..Labored all night and early Sunday morning at home. A called Dr. L when they were 4 min apart. Arrived at hospital at 6:30 and Roman made his entrance in the our lives at 8:34 pm May 3, 2009. Roman weighed 8 lbs 4 ozs and was 20 1/2 inches long. We were released from hospital on May 5, 2009 (Cinco de Mayo). The on-call pedi was concerned that Roman tested in the high risk for jaundice and advised us to schedule a appt w/Roman pediatrician
ASAP. So on Wednesday, 05-06-09 we took him. The test results were in Wednesday pm and results were negative he is fine. Gracias a dios!! We are all doing super even though N and I are definitely running on less sleep.I plan on writing more about our birth experience later..but I wanted shout out that he is here..our little budbud is here!!!
I wanted to share some pics.