Today is Roman's b-day...he is 30wks today. :-) We are hopefull for a healthy safe delivery of our baby.
Recap of the last three weeks:
Caught a stomach bug from my nephew the first few days in feb...i missed two days of work, ran a fever and had bad stomach cramps/loose stools. I was freaking out because I had to break down and take medication. I kept talking to my doctor who assured me that Romy would be fine. Thank god I was sick for only two day. My nephews, poor babies, were sick for about 4-5 days each.
Took the Glucose test and failed the first test :-(...but passed the three hour test w/flying colors. Yippee..no diabetes!!!!
Our next plan to to schedule a 4D ultrasound for Romy. I'm hoping to get this done w/in the next few weeks.
My 7th months is progressing okay..I'm starting to notice more stuffy noses and my breaths are getting a little deeper. Sleeping at night continues to be a challenge..Norm's been so sweet. After 7yrs, she's given up her side of the bed so I can get some sleep at night. Thank you my love.
I also got the chance to experience caring for a newborn. I have never taken care of newborn (babies 3 plus months old..no problem have lots experience w/that) But I've never had the chance to care for a baby that small. Norm's niece Racquel had a baby boy on January 30th. Valentine's weekend Racquel asked us to babysit James while Racquel took her dtr to see Elmo. I was a bit nervous that day. Norm assured me that she would be here to help. It so happened that we were doing some home repairs that same weekend and Norm had to run to the store to get more supplies. So she left me alone w/James. I was a bit apprehensive but she told me not to worry b/c she be right back. Racquel had just left w/Khari to the show and she told me,
"Renie you'll be fine..he will probably sleep the whole time." ...well that didn't happen...not even five min. after they had left..he work up and started crying. Racquel had given me instructions if James cried he was either hungry, needed changing, or wanted to cuddled. First I checked his diaper and yes he was wet. So I got the supplies to change him. And followed the steps to get him a new clean diaper. (This was the first time I changed a baby boy w/circumcision) I was scared I would hurt him when i replaced the Vaseline coated gauze that covered his little penis..but he was fine. Once he had his new clean diaper on..he stopped crying. 10 min. later he began to whimper some..checked the diaper again..all clear...I noticed he was turning to side and opening his mouth..I place his paci near his check and he turned towards it...okay got it he was hungry..I put his bottle together and feed him....even got him to burp. By the time Norm got home..I had changed James two more times and had fed him. She was amazed I had done this all by myself. I was hooked. I recanted all the events that had transpired while she was at the store and picking up lunch for us. She looked at me and just smiled and said, "Lady your going to be a great mom." And when I heard those words from her mouth, at that moment I knew in my head and heart..that she was right.
Above is a pic of Khari and James.
So Romy...I love you my baby..and can't wait to meet you and make memories w/you. Happy birthday!