Let's see where to begin.
Who am I?
I am 38 living in the suburbs outside Austin And for the past 5 1/2 years I've been sharing my life with wonderful person (Norma). We were friends before we got involved. (You know the usual Telenovela drama, I was with someone and she was with someone when we met). But when it was all said and done, we found each other and have been together every single day since. I can't believe I've been blessed enough to find someone who loves me for me. As a kid, I used to dream about finding love and having a family. Well the LOVE part FINALLY came along when I was 33. However, the family part has taken longer than I ever thought it would.
Norm and I have been talking about having a baby since the first month of our relationship. But we got more serious about 10 months ago. That's when i made the appt w/my gyno to get the FSH test and info on artificial insemination. I started charting my BBTs, and noticed my temps were super extreme. A great friend of mine (who is now pregnant after having a pretty tough time of her own) encouraged me to consider Acupuncture treatment for help.
In February 2008 I began a 6 month acupuncture treatment with The Texas Center for Reproductive Acupuncture. The Acupuncture program included twice a week visits for the first three months. And weekly visits beginning the 4th month. TCRA has helped w/nutritional counseling, daily herbs and vitamins. I also started exercising. I can't even tell you how amazing it has been. Every one at the TCRA are fantastic and sososo supportive. I'm sure you can tell by my photo that I'm a full figured women. Acupuncture has helped me better my daily habits (on eating, exercising, handling stress) all with the intent to improve my health and to improve my BBT's. Since starting acupuncture I've lost about 16 lbs!. My follicular phase temps are right on...the luteal phase temps have improved but still need some work.
We'll May 08 we felt we were ready to try our first IUI. We are using a anonymous sperm donor from the Cali cyrobank. On May 15th and 16th we had our first IUI's. Day 1 of the IUI was a lot more "uncomfortable" I had a little bit of bleeding during the procedure and felt a little bit of aching afterwords. Day 2 of the IUI was fantastic (NO discomfort). OUR donor sperm count was 74 million! I really hope that everything works out this month. (BUT I DON'T WANT TO GET MY HOPES UP) I did not use any meds during the follicular phase. But I did get a HCG shot day before the IUI. And I'm taking a progesterone supplement now.
We considered a fresh donor, but for now, we think a donor from the cryobank is best. (No worries about all the legal stuff).
Why I created a blog?
Well, Norm pushed me to finally do this. I have never blogged or done anything like this. I have been reading so many blogs by other women (straight/gay/married/single) for the last months (BELIEVE ME NORM can vouch for me....every night at about 10:00 pm i hear her yelling for me from across the house to "COME TO BED....YOU HAVE TO WORK TOMORROW" or else I hear "YOU ON THE COMPUTER AGAIN"). You all have helped me feel like I'm not alone. And you've also helped educate me on what to do/expect/ask in this process of trying to conceive the precious gift of a son or daughter. I do not have many friends or family that I can talk to about the process/challenges of TTC. I admire you all so much. You all are the most courageous people I ever had the chance to "get to know". By sharing your lives in this format, you are all making a difference in some one's life. You have made a difference to me. What you share is truly a selfless gift. Thank you.